Trust Sell It Easy!

Sales automation that's cooler than a popsicle and protects you like sunblock.

Fast & easy
Our CPQ solution, Merkato, is designed to make your sales process lightning-fast and effortlessly easy. Say goodbye to tedious manual calculations and time-consuming configurations. Even setting it up is fast and easy and doesn't even require coding skills.
Tailor our CPQ solution, Merkato, to fit your unique business needs. With its fully customizable features, you have the flexibility to adapt the software to your specific sales process and integrate it seamlessly with your existing tools and systems.
No more errors in your quotes. Say goodbye to manual calculations and inconsistencies. Merkato's advanced technology ensures accurate and error-free quotes every time. Experience the peace of mind that comes with error-free quoting
Over 200+ sales teams worldwide rely on Merkato

Want to know more?

Experience the power of Sell It Easy and Merkato firsthand with a personalized demo. Whether you're curious about how our CPQ solution can streamline your sales process, simplify complex product configurations, or enhance your overall sales cycle, our team is here to guide you.

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Selling complex products becomes easy and fast for both buyers & sellers

With Merkato, your sales process will run smooth and more effective, no matter the complexity of your product. We have made it our mission to create the best tool that integrates everything you need along the sales process to enable you to easily handle the sale of complex products and drastically reduce the cost of sales.

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Fast and easy to set-up

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No coding necessary

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Flawless quotes in a few minutes

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Multi-lingual support

The Ultimate Sales tool

Stay in full control of your sales cycle

By capturing the engineering knowledge that is required to translate customer specifications and expectations into the right products and services, Sell It Easy will hand your sales team all the keys to stay in control throughout the whole sales cycle.

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Build the ideal path to a fully documented sales opportunity

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Eliminate or reduce the need for backoffice sales engineers

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Immediate integrate choices made in visualisation & pricing

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Produce ready-for-sign-off quotes and sales orders

The Ideal Order Entry

Proven to be the best for complex technical and financial products

Whether you are in engineering-to-order, producing highly complex assemblies with a large number of parts or facing stringent checks and balances to be carried out when signing a sales order, Merkato gives you the peace of mind you're looking for.

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Avoid order entry errors through rules and calculations

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Synchronise product availability in real-time

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Access the bill of material for all sales orders and outstanding quotes

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Solve highly complex configurations

Get superpowers with the Merkato Software Suite

The Merkato software brings you an advanced toolkit with which you build any products and/or services configurator you need.

Synchronisation is history as everyone always and everywhere has access to the latest information. Especially with more complex processes, involving, for example, multiple parties to work together on a single offer or the workflow requiring input from multiple people and/or departments, you cannot afford to wait for emails and synchronisations.

While support from Merkato experts is always available, our aim is to ensure you are not dependent on us by training you and your team.  

We will support you in making this product yours. The main Merkato software products are:

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Q-Merkato: CPQ software including 2 floating licenses

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Q-Hosting: hosting  in our data center in the Netherlands

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Q-Floating: additional floating user license

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Q-Connect: our API to connect your other company applications

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Q-Report: report builder to create & modify documents in any style

The Dutch Merkato Group develops and distributes the advanced Merkato software suite to provide businesses with solutions for sales and product configuration.  

“Merkato” offers the best of both guided selling and product configuration.

Sell It Easy is Merkato's exclusive sales, implementation and support partner for Belgium and Luxembourg.